Comprehensive Recovery Pathway

by Sungyub Lew


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The Comprehensive Recovery Pathway for lower intestinal surgery was designed to empower our patients and their family members on their path to a quick recovery and optimal outcome after intestinal surgery. The physicians, nurses, rehabilitation staff, and administration of Saint Barnabas Medical Center have worked together to assemble a multi-disciplinary team of specialists to create the Comprehensive Recovery Pathway for lower intestinal surgery. The ComprehensiveRecovery Pathway for lower intestinal surgery is more than a specialized surgical program within Saint Barnabas Medical Center; it is also a comprehensive patient-centered care model for the surgical treatment of intestinal ailments. What separates the Comprehensive Recovery Pathway for lower intestinal surgery from other programs is how we prepare and guide our patients and their families through the entire process of treatment from:- Preparation for surgery- Specialized post-operative care- Preparation for after hospital care/ dischargeWe know for most patients that coming to the medical center for surgery can be an anxiety-ridden process. The Comprehensive Recovery Pathway for lower intestinal surgery is designed to address each patient’s fear and concerns about his/her surgical treatment and empowers each patient with information and support in order to have the best possible outcome.It is our hope to deliver the best care for our patients and their family members during all phases of treatment for your intestinal condition. Our goal is to support you and your family through your treatment so that you can recover quickly and get back to the activities that you love.